Vision And Mission
The Community Development Councils (CDCs) were established to build a tightly knit, compassionate and self-reliant community. North West CDC works closely with various community and corporate partners to strengthen Singapore’s social fabric; and encourages the more able and successful to come forward to help the less successful, and to foster greater sense of community ownership and self-help among the residents.
We strive to align our activities and efforts with our mission:
(a) Aggregator of Needs and Resources
To help the less fortunate through local assistance programmes
(b) Builder of Capabilities and Capacities
To bond the community through projects & programmes to bring them closer to one another
(c) Connector of Communities
To develop strategic partnerships with corporate and community partners to better serve our residents
To achieve our mission, North West CDC continues to build programmes to provide support to residents under our five community pillars:
i. Caring Communities
Encourage a giving culture and uplift the lives of residents through social support programmes and networks
ii. Healthy Communities
Promote healthy lifestyle, encourage residents to bond and take charge of their own health
iii. Inclusive Communities
Strengthen social fabric by embracing and involving different segments of society
iv. Learning Communities
Promote lifelong learning mindset for personal and professional development
v. Sustainable Communities
Cultivate an eco-friendly lifestyle and building a green environment for our future generations